Category Archives: Traditions

Verses for Inferred Wisdom

2:164 Signs and clues are for people who use reason.
18:22 Do not argue with or inquire from a person who forms a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
 18:23-24 Be careful in making claims.
18:28 Do not be distracted by the adornments of this life.
18:51 Do not take misguiders or misleaders as assistants.
18:54 Do not be contentious, try to contemplate.
20:65-66 Don’t act in haste to make your move.
20:70-72 If truth makes your commander furious, he is a tyrant not a leader! Plan accordingly.
20:131 Stay focused and don’t be distracted by the strength of your rivals and their materialistic possessions.
23:71 The collapse and demolition of a functional system is inevitable when constitution or rule of law follows personal inclination or desires.
61:3 Do not say something which you cannot do.
61:4 Unity and organization are the key factors to win a battle.
65:2 God will create a way out in every difficult situation if you avoid violating his legislation.